Ready, Tech, Go!

It's almost time to start thinking about packing stuff for our vacation. Alex and I are off on another Disney cruise soon and I want to make sure that I have everything I need. And for most people that would mean a trip to the mall for clothes, but I need to get all my tech in shape for a trip.

Alex is in pretty good shape. He'll have to manage being without his laptop for the trip and just rely on his iPad and iPod (since I can't imagine he'll go without the pair of them) while we're gone and I think that's actually a pretty good thing. He'll have his own camera and video recorder for while we're away (they're not the greatest quality but his perspective on pictures is usually awesome) as well as having something to keep him amused during meals. It's only fair that if he gets to have a Disney cruise, I should get to enjoy the meals right? We just need to make sure he has a decent supply of videos to watch when he wants them and we'll be good for the flights!

I need to start cleaning off pictures from the iPhone and making room on the iPad. I'd like to get a bunch more pictures and video this trip and that means having a central spot to store them in case things go wrong on any of the devices. So I think I'll use the iPad as the central backup for everything. Not quite sure how well it'll work but I plan to use PhotoSync as the link between all the iDevices and that should get everything onto the iPad, where I can actually edit them with Camera+ (which is definitely my go-to app for taking pictures). They say the best camera to have is the one that you have with you, and for that reason I normally just use my iPhone for everything. But, although I'm trying really hard with this phone to treat it like a thing (after all, we expect our things to wear out with use and not always look like they just came out of the package), I'm also aware that the iPhone may not be the best thing to take with me to the beach or on a boat tour. So I ordered a cheapo, waterproof, digital camera for the trip. It's a Nikon S30 that I found on sale online and should hopefully do the job. It seems like people either love it or hate it, but I'm hoping if I take it for what it is (just a camera that we can use in the water, beach, or wherever we're not certain it's a great place for our other toys) then it'll do just fine. We'll see... For that camera, I'll just take the memory card right out of it and transfer it directly to the iPad for storage. I'm hopeful the solution will work just fine and, if I recall correctly, Alex will spend plenty of time at the club giving me time to do all this.

At some point, I suppose I should try and find a bathing suit....

Fujitsu ScanSnap and Glossy Photos

I'm trying to get my life in order and have been busy scanning in both documents and photos to get them into a digital format for both storage and organisation.  But I've been having all kinds of problems with scanning glossy photos, which we have an awful lot of here at home.

I've searched on the web for some kind of solution and all I've been able to find is that I should use a carrier sheet to cut the glare.  That is up until today.

I found a comment to a post on FixYa from a user named blwong2 who had the following to help out:

I just talked to a Fujitsu tech guy. The yellow streak if from the light bouncing off the glossiness of the paper. He said to scan it face up. That resolves the problem but adds another. To scan the photo face side up the settings have to be on "Duplex Scan" then because there are fine little numbers on the back of the photo from the photo processor, the scanner scans that side and does not auto delete it as a blank page. So then I have to go and manually delete all the blank photos in my iPhoto. I guess once I do all my glossy photos, I won't have to worry about this too much in the future. I am happy now and back to scanning!

Thanks BLWong2, you got things back on track for me.  Amazing what a little support call can do when you don't have Google eh?